non-native grasses
- Open AccessPlant, Avian, and Butterfly Response to a Native-Grassland Restoration in Southern TexasGeron Gowdy, Fidel Hernández, Timothy Fulbright, Eric Grahmann, David Wester, Ellart Vreugdenhil, Anthony Henehan, Forrest Smith and Michael HehmanEcological Restoration, March 2022, 40 (1) 44-52; DOI: GowdyUSDA Natural Resource Conservation Service,10330 Hill Country Land, Corpus Christi, TX 78410Fidel HernándezTexas A&M University-Kingsville, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Kingsville, TX.Timothy FulbrightTexas A&M University-Kingsville, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Kingsville, TX.Eric GrahmannEric Grahmann, El Coyote Ranch, Riviera, TX.David WesterTexas A&M University-Kingsville, Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Kingsville, TX.Ellart VreugdenhilCanvas Natural Resource Solutions, Longview, TX.Anthony HenehanTexas Parks and Wildlife Department, Weslaco, TX.Forrest SmithTexas Native Seeds, Kingsville, TX.Michael HehmanHixon Ranch, Cotulla, TX.