forest restoration
- You have accessRestricted accessBird Diversity in Actively and Naturally Restored Tropical Forests in an Urban-Agricultural LandscapeMatthew C. Bare and Raymond M. DannerEcological Restoration, June 2017, 35 (2) 102-111; DOI: C. Bare(corresponding author), School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, Yale School of Forestry, 386 Prospect St., New Haven CT 06511, .Raymond M. DannerDepartment of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina, 601 S. College Road, Dobo Hall 102, Wilmington, NC 28403.
- You have accessRestricted accessTrees, Deer and Non-Native Vines: Two Decades of Northern Piedmont Forest RestorationDavid J. RobertsonEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 59-70; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessCan Restoration Management Improve Habitat for Insect Pollinators in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the American Southwest?Susan E. NyokaEcological Restoration, September 2010, 28 (3) 280-290; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessCOOPLANTAR: A Brazilian Initiative to Integrate Forest Restoration with Job and Income Generation in Rural AreasCarlos Alberto B. Mesquita, Christiane G.D. Holvorcem, Claudio Henrique Lyrio, Paulo Dimas de Menezes, José Dilson da Silva Dias and José Francisco Azevedo Jr.Ecological Restoration, June 2010, 28 (2) 199-207; DOI: Alberto B. MesquitaChristiane G.D. HolvorcemClaudio Henrique LyrioPaulo Dimas de MenezesJosé Dilson da Silva DiasJosé Francisco Azevedo Jr.
- You have accessRestricted accessMulti-species Planting and Other Practices to Restore Forest Diversity in Northeastern MinnesotaRobin S. Vora, Steven Lerol and Nicholas P. DanzEcological Restoration, December 2008, 26 (4) 340-349; DOI: S. VoraRobin S. Vora, Wildlife Ecologist, Laurentian Ranger District (RD), Superior National Forest, Aurora, MN (present address U.S. Forest Service, 1001 SW Emkay Dr., Bend, OR 97702; 541/383- 5766)Steven Lerol
- You have accessRestricted accessDifferent Restoration Thinning Treatments Affect Level of Soil Disturbance in Ponderosa Pine Forests of Northern Arizona, USAJulie E. Korb, Peter Z. Fulé and Brian GideonEcological Restoration, March 2007, 25 (1) 43-49; DOI: E. KorbPeter Z. Fulé