Agropyron cristatum
- You have accessRestricted accessWeed Establishment and Persistence after Water Pipeline Installation and Reclamation in the Mixed Grass Prairie of Western North DakotaErin K. Espeland and Lora B. PerkinsEcological Restoration, December 2017, 35 (4) 303-310; DOI: K. EspelandCorresponding author, Research Ecologist, USDA ARS NPARL Pest Management Research Unit, Sidney MT 59270, .Lora B. PerkinsSouth Dakota State University Department of Natural Resource Management, Brookings SD 5700.Roles: Assistant Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessCan Sainfoin Improve Conditions for Establishment of Native Forbs in Crested Wheatgrass Stands?Daniel L. Mummey and Philip W. RamseyEcological Restoration, June 2017, 35 (2) 127-137; DOI: L. Mummey(corresponding author), MPG Ranch, 19400 Lower Woodchuck Rd., Florence, MT, 59833, .Philip W. RamseyMPG Ranch, 19400 Lower Woodchuck Rd., Florence, MT, 59833.
- You have accessRestricted accessInvasion as a Function of Species Diversity: A Case Study of Two Restored North Dakota GrasslandsAndrew DiAllesandro, Breanna Paradeis Kobiela and Mario BiondiniEcological Restoration, June 2013, 31 (2) 186-194; DOI: DiAllesandroBreanna Paradeis Kobiela