Table 5.

Those involved in the household’s decision to participate in the planned comparisons. Statistics presented: count (%) and Fisher’s exact test (two-sided). Unmarried includes single, divorced and widowed.

Who decided to be involved in the planned comparison?p-value
Planting basins
Married women (n = 345)209 (61%)125 (36%)2 (1%)9 (3%)< 0.001
Married men (n = 94)54 (57%)30 (32%)8 (9%)2 (2%)
Unmarried women (n = 44)43 (98%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1 (2%)
Unmarried men (n = 3)3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Tree planting
Married women (n = 758)521 (69%)200 (26%)23 (3%)14 (2%)< 0.001
Married men (n = 382)322 (84%)48 (13%)6 (2%)6 (2%)
Unmarried women (n = 106)104 (98%)2 (2%)0.587
Unmarried men (n = 47)45 (96%)2 (4%)
Married women
Planting basins (n = 345)209 (61%)125 (36%)2 (1%)9 (3%)< 0.001
Tree planting (n = 758)521 (69%)200 (26%)23 (3%)14 (2%)
Married men
Planting basins (n = 94)54 (57%)30 (32%)8 (9%)2 (2%)< 0.001
Tree planting (n = 382)322 (84%)48 (13%)6 (2%)6 (2%)