More articles from Design Approaches to Ecological Restoration
- You have accessRestricted accessDam GoodDesigning a Low-Impact Diversion Structure on the Cache la Poudre RiverBernadette Kuhn, Beck Anderson, Micah Warners, Julie Ash, Johannes Beeby and Travis StrothEcological Restoration, November 2024, 42 (4) 284-289; DOI: KuhnCity of Fort Collins Natural Areas, 1745 Hoffman Mill Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80524,Beck AndersonCity of Fort Collins Utilities, Utilities Service Center Fort Collins, COMicah WarnersCity of Fort Collins Utilities, Fort Collins, COJulie AshStillwater Sciences, Fort Collins, COJohannes BeebyStillwater Sciences, Fort Collins, COTravis StrothStillwater Sciences, Fort Collins, CO
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom Pond to DuneAdding Coastal Landforms and Biodiversity to the Landscape of a Modern ResidenceChristopher LaGuardiaEcological Restoration, June 2023, 41 (2-3) 132-136; DOI: LaGuardiaLaGuardia Design Group, 38 Scuttle Hole Road, Water Mill, NY 11976.
- You have accessRestricted accessRedesign of a Commercial Cranberry Bog to Promote Bombus MutualismYing ZhangEcological Restoration, June 2022, 40 (2) 147-151; DOI: ZhangHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.
- You have accessRestricted accessRestitching the Suburban FringeJingyi Liu and Ziting WangEcological Restoration, June 2022, 40 (2) 107-113; DOI: LiuHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.Ziting WangHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.
- You have accessRestricted accessA Matter of Life and Decay: Promoting Insect Habitat in Cemeteries through Use of Deadwood PavilionsTimothy TamulonisEcological Restoration, June 2022, 40 (2) 116-120; DOI: TamulonisHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Death and Life of Ash: Landscape Tactics to Adapt to Invasive SpeciesSijia ZhongEcological Restoration, June 2022, 40 (2) 123-127; DOI: ZhongHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.
- You have accessRestricted accessRedesigning Farm Margins and Highway Edges as Butterfly CorridorsHyemin Gu and Liwei ShenEcological Restoration, June 2022, 40 (2) 131-138; DOI: GuHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.Liwei ShenHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.
- You have accessRestricted accessWest Indies Blend: Re-Shading New England’s Tobacco Valley to Control AphidsJoshua DiemEcological Restoration, June 2022, 40 (2) 139-144; DOI: DiemHarvard University Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA.
- You have accessRestricted accessGrassland Redux: Restoration at a Former Landfill on the Hudson RiverJenna WebsterEcological Restoration, December 2021, 39 (4) 274-283; DOI: WebsterLarry Weaner Landscape Associates, 2920 Mt. Carmel Ave., Glenside, PA 19038
- You have accessRestricted accessRedefining the Urban Preserve: Community Concerns Reframe the Ecological Imperative in a New Coastal ParkLaura Starr, Andrew Fox [Ph.D.,], Kristen Reardon and Phil RabovskyEcological Restoration, December 2021, 39 (4) 288-296; DOI: StarrLaura Starr (corresponding author), Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners, 80 Broad Street #1700, New York, NY 10004Andrew FoxAndrew Fox, Ph.D., independent writer.Ph.D.,Kristen ReardonKristen Reardon, Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners, New York, NY.Phil RabovskyPhil Rabovsky, Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners, New York, NY.