Table of Contents
September 2024; Volume 42,Issue 3
Schneider, Eric G.
- You have accessRestricted accessEvaluating Multiple Oyster Reef Restoration Practices Across Space and Time in Coastal Rhode IslandPatrick D. Barrett, Eric G. Schneider, Jonathan H. Grabowski, Torrance C. Hanley, M. Conor McManus, William Helt, Heather Kinney and A. Randall HughesEcological Restoration, September 2024, 42 (3) 193-204; DOI: D. BarrettDivision of Marine Fisheries, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, 3 Fort Wetherill Rd, Jamestown, RI 02835 USA,Eric G. SchneiderDivision of Marine Fisheries, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Jamestown, RI USA and Marine Science Center and Coastal Sustainability Institute, Northeastern University, Nahant, MA USAJonathan H. GrabowskiMarine Science Center and Coastal Sustainability Institute, Northeastern University, Nahant, MA USATorrance C. HanleyMarine Science Center and Coastal Sustainability Institute, Northeastern University, Nahant, MA USAM. Conor McManusDivision of Marine Fisheries, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Jamestown, RI USAWilliam HeltThe Nature Conservancy, Rhode Island Chapter, Providence, RI USAHeather KinneyThe Nature Conservancy, Rhode Island Chapter, Providence, RI USAA. Randall HughesMarine Science Center and Coastal Sustainability Institute, Northeastern University, Nahant, MA USA
Shea, Mary A.
- Open AccessRestoration of Bedrock Vernal Pools for the Threatened Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp in Central CaliforniaJeff A. Alvarez, Colton Rogers and Mary A. SheaEcological Restoration, September 2024, 42 (3) 169-174; DOI: A. AlvarezThe Wildlife Project, P.O. Box 188888, Sacramento, CA 95818,Colton RogersContra Costa Water District, Concord, CAMary A. SheaContra Costa Water District, Concord, CA
Simanonok, Stacy C.
- Open AccessSpring Seeding Integrated with a Spring Glyphosate Application Promotes Establishment of Pseudoroegneria spicata (bluebunch wheatgrass) in Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass)-infested RangelandsMichelle L. Majeski, Stacy C. Simanonok, Zachariah J. Miller, Lisa J. Rew and Jane M. MangoldEcological Restoration, September 2024, 42 (3) 181-192; DOI: L. MajeskiMontana State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Bozeman, MTStacy C. SimanonokMontana State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Bozeman, MTZachariah J. MillerWestern Agriculture Research Center, Montana State University, Corvallis, MTLisa J. RewProfessor, Montana State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Bozeman, MTJane M. MangoldMontana State University, College of Agriculture, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Bozeman, MT 59717,
Smith, Jonathan P.
- You have accessRestricted accessContainers for Propagating Foundational Native Shrubs for Desert Habitat RestorationScott R. Abella, Lindsay P. Chiquoine, Joshua L. Greenwood and Jonathan P. SmithEcological Restoration, September 2024, 42 (3) 176-180; DOI: R. AbellaUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Life Sciences, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4004, USA,Lindsay P. ChiquoineUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Life Sciences, Las Vegas, NVJoshua L. GreenwoodUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Life Sciences, Las Vegas, NVJonathan P. SmithBureau of Land Management, Las Vegas Field Office, Las Vegas, NV