Research ArticleSocial-Ecological Linkages
Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Native Plants and Local Ecotypes in Ecological Restoration
Emily A. Altrichter, Janette R. Thompson and Catherine M. Mabry
Ecological Restoration, September 2017, 35 (3) 218-227; DOI:
Emily A. Altrichter
Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
Janette R. Thompson
Corresponding author, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, 339 Science Hall II, 2310 Pammel Drive, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, .
Catherine M. Mabry
Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
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- Müller-Schärer H.
- Brudvig L.A.,
- Mabry C.M.,
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- Burton P.J.,
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- Gerken Golay M.E.,
- Bice P.M.,
- Thompson J.R.
- Gerken Golay M.E.,
- Manatt R.,
- Mabry C.,
- Thompson J.,
- Kolka R.
- Herman B.,
- Packard S.,
- Pollack C.,
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- Kawecki T.J.,
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- Kindscher K.,
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- Larkin D.J.,
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- Linhart Y.B.,
- Grant M.C.
- Loveless M.D.,
- Hamrick J.L.
- Mabry C.M.
- Martin L.M.,
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- Wilsey B.J.
- McGraw J.B.,
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- McKay J.K.,
- Christian C.E.,
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- Millar C.J.,
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- Mottl L.M.,
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- Primack R.B.
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- Handel S.N.
- Saari C.,
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- Steiner D.
- Thompson J.R.
In this issue
Ecological Restoration
Vol. 35, Issue 3
1 Sep 2017
Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Native Plants and Local Ecotypes in Ecological Restoration
Emily A. Altrichter, Janette R. Thompson, Catherine M. Mabry
Ecological Restoration Sep 2017, 35 (3) 218-227; DOI: 10.3368/er.35.3.218
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