Table of Contents
March 01, 2012; Volume 30,Issue 1
SER Editorial
- You have accessRestricted access4th World Conference on Ecological RestorationSteve WhisenantEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 1-2; DOI: WhisenantSociety for Ecological RestorationRoles: Chair
- You have accessRestricted accessEcological Restoration 29(3) ErrataEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 2; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Red Queens of RestorationSteven N. HandelEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 3-4; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessSER2011 Call to ActionMessage from the 4th World Conference on Ecological Restoration to the Convention on Biological DiversityEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 5-6; DOI:
Letter to the Editor
- You have accessRestricted accessComments on A Multiscale Approach to Seagrass Recovery in Tampa Bay, Florida Greening et al. 2011—Ecological Restoration 29(1–2): 82–93.Robin R. LewisEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 7-8; DOI:
Restoration Notes
- You have accessRestricted accessPassive Soil Manipulation Influences the Successional Trajectories of Forest Communities at a Denuded Former CampsiteNate Hough-Snee, A. Lexine Long and Rodney PondEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 9-12; DOI: Hough-SneeUniversity of Washington School of Forest Resources and Center for Urban Horticulture, Box 354115, Seattle, WA 98195-2100, USA;A. Lexine LongUniversity of Washington School of Forest Resources and Center for Urban Horticulture, Box 354115, Seattle, WA 98195-2100, USA;Rodney PondRodney Pond (corresponding author), University of Washington School of Forest Resources and Center for Urban Horticulture, Box 354115, Seattle, WA 98195-2100, USA,
- You have accessRestricted accessIbity Mountain, Madagascar: Background and Perspectives for Ecological RestorationSwanni T. Alvarado, Elise Buisson, Harison Rabarison, Chris Birkinshaw and Porter P. Lowry IIEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 12-15; DOI: T. AlvaradoSwanni T. Alvarado (corresponding author), Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie IMBE, Université d’Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse, France; Département de Biologie et Ecologie Végétales, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar, ();Elise BuissonInstitut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie IMBE, Université d’Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse, France; Département de Biologie et Ecologie Végétales, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar;Harison RabarisonDépartement de Biologie et Ecologie Végétales, Faculté des Sciences, Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar;Chris BirkinshawMissouri Botanical Garden, Madagascar Research and Conservation Program, Antananarivo, Madagascar;Porter P. Lowry IIMissouri Botanical Garden, Africa and Madagascar Department, St. Louis, Missouri, USA; Département Systématique et Evolution, Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (UMR 7205), Paris, France
- You have accessRestricted accessGenerating Heterogeneity: Construction of Fish Hooks in the Humber River Induces Community ChangeMonica Granados, Meg St-John and Rick PortissEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 15-18; DOI: GranadosMonica Granados (corresponding author), McGill University, Department of Biology, 1205 Docteur Penfield, Montreal, QC H3A 1B1, ;Meg St-JohnToronto Region Conservation Authority, 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto, ON, M3N 1S4, ;Rick PortissToronto Region Conservation Authority, 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto, ON, M3N 1S4, .
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Assessment of Foliar Application of Triclopyr of Varying Concentrations for Managing Glossy Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula) Seedlings and Resprouts (Michigan)Andrew DiAllesandroEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 18-19; DOI: DiAllesandroAndrew DiAllesandro (corresponding author), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Seney National Wildlife Refuge, 1674 Refuge Entrance Rd., Seney, MI 49883, 701/799-0731,
Research Article
- You have accessRestricted accessResponse of Terrestrial Arthropod Assemblages to Coastal Dune RestorationJohn W. Doudna and Edward F. ConnorEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 20-26; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Dynamic Reference Concept: Measuring Restoration Success in a Rapidly Changing No-Analogue FutureJohn K. Hiers, Robert J. Mitchell, Analie Barnett, Jeffrey R. Walters, Michelle Mack, Brett Williams and Rob SutterEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 27-36; DOI: K. HiersRobert J. MitchellAnalie BarnettJeffrey R. WaltersMichelle MackBrett Williams
- You have accessRestricted accessEcological Restoration Priorities and Opportunities in Piñon-Juniper WoodlandsM. Lisa Floyd and William H. RommeEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 37-49; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessInitial Plant Growth in Sand Mine Spoil Amended with Peat Moss and Fertilizer Under Greenhouse Conditions: Potential Species for Use in ReclamationTodd A. Aschenbach, Elizabeth Brandt, Melissa Buzzard, Ryan Hargreaves, Thomas Schmidt and Amanda ZwagermanEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 50-58; DOI: A. AschenbachElizabeth BrandtMelissa BuzzardRyan HargreavesThomas Schmidt
Research Article
- You have accessRestricted accessTrees, Deer and Non-Native Vines: Two Decades of Northern Piedmont Forest RestorationDavid J. RobertsonEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 59-70; DOI:
Design Approaches to Ecological Restoration
- You have accessRestricted accessStrategies for Enhancing Marine (and Human) Habitat at Brooklyn Bridge ParkMatthew Urbanski and Rachel GleesonEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 71-75; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessCommentary of Strategies for Enhancing Marine (and Human) Habitat at Brooklyn Bridge ParkKenneth W. Able and Thomas M. GrothuesEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 76; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessCommentary of Strategies for Enhancing Marine (and Human) Habitat at Brooklyn Bridge ParkGary L. TaghonEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 77; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessBrooklyn Bridge Park: A Win-Win for the People of Brooklyn and the EnvironmentDianna K. PadillaEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 78; DOI:
Abstracts, Reviews, and Meetings
- You have accessRestricted accessAbstracts, Reviews, and MeetingsEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 79; DOI:
Book Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessBeyond Naturalness: Rethinking Park and Wilderness Stewardship in an Era of Rapid Change David N. Cole and Laurie Yung (eds). 2010. Washington DC: Island Press. Paper. $35.00. ISBN: 978-1-59726-509-6. 368 pages.Timothy Babalis [Ph.D.]Ecological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 86-87; DOI: BabalisTimothy Babalis, Ph.D. (), Environmental Historian, National Park Service, Pacific West Regional Office, Duty Station: Fort Vancouver NHS, 612 E. Reserve St., Vancouver, WA 98661Ph.D.
- You have accessRestricted accessTallgrass Prairie Center Native Seed Production Manual Greg Houseal. 2008. University of Northern Iowa: Tallgrass Prairie Center. Paper. $18.00. 122 pages.Lauren AxfordEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 87-89; DOI: AxfordLauren Axford, Bulk Seed Program Supervisor, and Timothy Chambers, Deputy Director, Greenbelt Native Plant Center, City of New York Department of Parks & Recreation, 3808 Victory Boulevard, New York, NY 10314-6720,
Recently Received Titles
- You have accessRestricted accessRecently Received TitlesEcological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 89; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMeetings 2012Ecological Restoration, March 2012, 30 (1) 90-91; DOI: