Table of Contents
December 01, 2010; Volume 28,Issue 4
Alcaniz, Josep Maria
- You have accessRestricted accessSewage Sludge Application Protocol for Quarry Restoration (Catalonia)Vicenç Carabassa, Esteve Serra, Oriol Ortiz and Josep Maria AlcañizEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 420-422; DOI:ç CarabassaCenter for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications [CREAF], Autonomous University of Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain, +0034 93 581 33 55,Esteve SerraExtractive Activities Restoration and Evaluation Area, Government of Catalonia, 08029 Barcelona, SpainOriol OrtizCREAF and Unit of Ecology, Dept of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, Autonomous University of Barcelona [UAB], E-08193 Bellaterra, SpainJosep Maria AlcañizCREAF and Unit of Ecology, Dept of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, UAB
Alvarez, Regina V.
- You have accessRestricted accessRestoration on Rapa NuiRegina V. Alvarez and Jon SperlingEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 422-424; DOI: V. AlvarezCentral Park Conservancy and the Graduate Center, City University of New York,Jon SperlingQueens College, City University of New York
Andreu, Jara
- You have accessRestricted accessVegetation Response after Removal of the Invasive Carpobrotus Hybrid Complex in Andalucía, SpainJara Andreu, Esperanza Manzano-Piedras, Ignasi Bartomeus, Elías D. Dana and Montserrat VilàEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 440-448; DOI: AndreuEsperanza Manzano-PiedrasIgnasi BartomeusElías D. Dana
Bartomeus, Ignasi
- You have accessRestricted accessVegetation Response after Removal of the Invasive Carpobrotus Hybrid Complex in Andalucía, SpainJara Andreu, Esperanza Manzano-Piedras, Ignasi Bartomeus, Elías D. Dana and Montserrat VilàEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 440-448; DOI: AndreuEsperanza Manzano-PiedrasIgnasi BartomeusElías D. Dana
Bateman, Heather L.
- You have accessRestricted accessA River System to Watch: Documenting the Effects of Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) Biocontrol in the Virgin River ValleyHeather L. Bateman, Tom L. Dudley, Dan W. Bean, Steven M. Ostoja, Kevin R. Hultine and Michael J. KuehnEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 405-410; DOI: L. BatemanTom L. DudleyDan W. BeanSteven M. OstojaKevin R. Hultine
Bean, Dan W.
- You have accessRestricted accessA River System to Watch: Documenting the Effects of Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) Biocontrol in the Virgin River ValleyHeather L. Bateman, Tom L. Dudley, Dan W. Bean, Steven M. Ostoja, Kevin R. Hultine and Michael J. KuehnEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 405-410; DOI: L. BatemanTom L. DudleyDan W. BeanSteven M. OstojaKevin R. Hultine
Belote, R. Travis
- You have accessRestricted accessTamarisk Removal in Grand Canyon National Park: Changing the Native–Non-native Relationship as a Restoration GoalR. Travis Belote, Lori J. Makarick, Michael J.C. Kearsley and Chris L. LauverEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 449-459; DOI: Travis BeloteLori J. MakarickMichael J.C. Kearsley
Byars, Morgan S.
- You have accessRestricted accessLinking Geomorphological and Ecological Responses in Restored Urban Pool-Riffle StreamsAnne Chin, Frances Gelwick, David Laurencio, Laura R. Laurencio, Morgan S. Byars and Mateo ScogginsEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 460-474; DOI: ChinFrances GelwickDavid LaurencioLaura R. LaurencioMorgan S. Byars
Carabassa, Vicenç
- You have accessRestricted accessSewage Sludge Application Protocol for Quarry Restoration (Catalonia)Vicenç Carabassa, Esteve Serra, Oriol Ortiz and Josep Maria AlcañizEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 420-422; DOI:ç CarabassaCenter for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications [CREAF], Autonomous University of Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain, +0034 93 581 33 55,Esteve SerraExtractive Activities Restoration and Evaluation Area, Government of Catalonia, 08029 Barcelona, SpainOriol OrtizCREAF and Unit of Ecology, Dept of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, Autonomous University of Barcelona [UAB], E-08193 Bellaterra, SpainJosep Maria AlcañizCREAF and Unit of Ecology, Dept of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, UAB
Chin, Anne
- You have accessRestricted accessLinking Geomorphological and Ecological Responses in Restored Urban Pool-Riffle StreamsAnne Chin, Frances Gelwick, David Laurencio, Laura R. Laurencio, Morgan S. Byars and Mateo ScogginsEcological Restoration, December 2010, 28 (4) 460-474; DOI: ChinFrances GelwickDavid LaurencioLaura R. LaurencioMorgan S. Byars