Table of Contents
March 01, 2009; Volume 27,Issue 1
- You have accessRestricted accessYou Don’t Have to Be a Scientist to Do ScienceMrill Ingram [Editor]Ecological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 1-2; DOI: IngramEcological RestorationEditor
SER Editorial
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Language(s) of Ecological RestorationGeorge GannEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 3-4; DOI: GannSociety for Ecological Restoration InternationalRoles: Chair
- You have accessRestricted accessIntent of Ecological Restoration, Its Circumscription, and Its StandardsAndre ClewellEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 5-7; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessConservation Biology and Plant Breeding: Special Considerations for the Development of Native Plant Materials for Use in RestorationT.A. JonesEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 8-11; DOI:
Restoration Notes
- You have accessRestricted accessHoles: A Novel Method for Promoting Vegetation Restoration (Macao)Shao-Lin Peng, Yi-Na Yu, Yu-Ping Hou, Long-Sheng Yu, Bao-Ming Chen and Guan-Feng LiangEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 12-26; DOI: PengState Key Laboratory of Biocontrol/School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China, +86 20 84039571,Yi-Na YuCollege of Forestry, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol/School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, ChinaYu-Ping HouState Key Laboratory of Biocontrol/School of Life Sciences; Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, ChinaLong-Sheng YuState Key Laboratory of Biocontrol/School of Life Sciences; Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, ChinaBao-Ming ChenState Key Laboratory of Biocontrol/School of Life Sciences; Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, ChinaGuan-Feng LiangDepartment of Gardens & Green Areas, Macao Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, CP3054, Macao SAR, China
- You have accessRestricted accessInvasive and Non-native Species in a Small New England Watershed (New York)Mei-Yin Wu and Dennis KalmaEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 14-15; DOI: WuCenter for Earth & Environmental Science, State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, 101 Broad St, Plattsburgh, NY 12901, 518/564-4036,Dennis KalmaCenter for Earth & Environmental Science, State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, 101 Broad St, Plattsburgh, NY 12901, 518/564-4036,
- You have accessRestricted accessSeed Bank Colonization in Tidal Wetlands following Phragmites Control (New Jersey)Kris D. Hallinger and Joseph K. ShislerEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 16-18; DOI: D. HallingerARCADIS,Joseph K. ShislerARCADIS—Cranbury, New Jersey, USA
- You have accessRestricted accessDeveloping an Interdisciplinary Restoration Plan for Napahai Wetland, Yunnan, ChinaBeth A. Lawrence, Heqi Wu and Qiang LiuEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 18-20; DOI: A. LawrenceUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison, Department of Botany, Madison WI, USA, 608/852-3595,Heqi WuKunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan P.R. ChinaQiang LiuGraduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China
- You have accessRestricted accessBay Scallop Restoration in New YorkStephen T. Tettelbach and Christopher F. SmithEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 20-22; DOI: T. TettelbachDept of Biology, C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University, Brookville, NY 11548,Christopher F. SmithMarine Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, Riverhead, NY 11901,
- You have accessRestricted accessThe New Mexico Forest Restoration Principles: Creating a Common VisionAnne BradleyEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 22-24; DOI: BradleyThe Nature Conservancy in New Mexico, 212 E Marcy St Ste 200, Santa Fe, NM 87501,
- You have accessRestricted accessModeling Long-Term Effects of Altered Fire Regimes following Southern Pine Beetle Outbreaks (North Carolina)Weimin Xi, John D. Waldron, Charles W. Lafon, David M. Cairns, Andrew G. Birt, Maria D. Tchakerian, Robert N. Coulson and Kier D. KlepzigEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 24-26; DOI: XiKnowledge Engineering Lab, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843,John D. WaldronDept of Environmental Studies, University of West Florida, Ft. Walton Beach, FL32547Charles W. LafonDept of Geography, Texas A&M UniversityDavid M. CairnsDept of GeographyAndrew G. BirtKnowledge Engineering LabMaria D. TchakerianKnowledge Engineering LabRobert N. CoulsonKnowledge Engineering LabKier D. KlepzigU.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station, 2500 Shreveport Hwy, Pineville, LA 71360
Case Study
- You have accessRestricted accessSeabird Habitat Restoration on Praia Islet, Azores ArchipelagoJoël Bried, Maria C. Magalhães, Mark Bolton, Verónica C. Neves, Elizabeth Bell, José C. Pereira, Luís Aguiar, Luís R. Monteiro and Ricardo S. SantosEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 27-36; DOI:ël BriedMaria C. MagalhãesMark BoltonVerónica C. NevesElizabeth BellJosé C. PereiraLuís AguiarLuís R. Monteiro
Restoration and Monitoring
- You have accessRestricted accessCheatgrass Encroachment on a Ponderosa Pine Forest Ecological Restoration Project in Northern ArizonaChristopher M. McGlone, Judith D. Springer and W. Wallace CovingtonEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 37-46; DOI: M. McGloneJudith D. Springer
Research Report
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Importance of Genetic Considerations for Planning Translocations of the Rare Coastal Heath Species Boronia rivularis (Rutaceae) in QueenslandAlison Shapcott, Mike Olsen and Robert W. LamontEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 47-57; DOI: ShapcottMike Olsen
- You have accessRestricted accessAn Emerging Crisis across Northern Prairie Refuges: Prevalence of Invasive Plants and a Plan for Adaptive ManagementTodd A. Grant, Bridgette Flanders-Wanner, Terry L. Shaffer, Robert K. Murphy and Gregg A. KnutsenEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 58-65; DOI: A. GrantBridgette Flanders-WannerTerry L. ShafferRobert K. Murphy
Technology Assessment
- You have accessRestricted accessSeed Harvesting for Ecological Restoration: Efficiency of Haymaking and Seed-Stripping on Different Grassland Types in the Eastern Italian AlpsMichele Scotton, Lisa Piccinin, Matteo Dainese and Federica SancinEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 66-75; DOI: ScottonLisa PiccininMatteo Dainese
Restoration and Evaluation
- You have accessRestricted accessResponses of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates to Stream Channel Reconstruction in a Degraded Rangeland Creek in the Sierra NevadaDavid B. Herbst and Jeffrey M. KaneEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 76-88; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessAbstracts, Reviews, and MeetingsEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 89-98; DOI:
Book Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessEcological Restoration: Principles, Values, and Structure of an Emerging Profession Andre F. Clewell and James Aronson. 2007. Washington DC: Island Press. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN: 978-1-59726-168-5. Paper, $30.00. ISBN: 978-1-59726-169-2. 230 pages.Marcus HallEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 98-100; DOI: HallMarcus Hall, an environmental historian at the University of Utah and University of Zurich. He is author of Earth Repair: A Transatlantic History of Environmental Restoration (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005)
- You have accessRestricted accessHealing Natures, Repairing Relationships: New Perspectives on Restoring Ecological Spaces and Consciousness Robert L. France, editor. 2008. Sheffield VT: Green Frigate Books. Paper $31.95. ISBN 978-0-97174686-2. 255 pages.Paul H. GobsterEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 100-103; DOI: H. GobsterPaul H. Gobster (), who is Research Social Scientist at the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station in Chicago, where he investigates people’s perceptions of natural areas restoration and management, the phenomenology of nature experience, and access and equity issues in urban parks
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Emerald Horizon: The History of Nature in Iowa Cornelia F. Mutel. 2008. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. Paper, $27.50. ISBN: 978-1-58729-632-1. 297 pages.John PearsonEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 103-104; DOI: PearsonBotanist/Ecologist with the Natural Areas Inventory program of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Des Moines, Iowa
- You have accessRestricted accessWater War in the Klamath Basin: Macho Law, Combat Biology and Dirty Politics Holly Doremus and A. Dan Tarlock. 2008. Washington DC: Island Press. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN: 978-1-59726-393-1. Paper, $30.00. ISBN: 978-1-59726-394-8. 280 pages.John M. WhiteleyEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 104-106; DOI: M. WhiteleyJohn M. Whiteley is Professor of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697,. He is a contributor to three recent environmental books from the MIT Press: Critical Masses, Reflections on Water and Water, and Place and Equity.
Recently Received Titles
- You have accessRestricted accessRecently Received TitlesEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 106; DOI:
Web Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessWeb ReviewsEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 106-107; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessMeetingsEcological Restoration, March 2009, 27 (1) 108; DOI: